Music theater in Esbjerg

Morning Song




Monday 21st August at 10.00  AM
Tuesday 22nd August at 10.00  AM
Wednesday 23rd August at 10.00  AM
Thursday 24th August at 10.00  AM
Friday 25th August at 10.00  AM


Start the day with a song. As part of the Summerfestival 2023, you can start all weekdays from 10.00-10.30 AM with Morning Song in Musikhuset Esbjerg.

Start the day with a song

As part of the Summerfestival 2023, you can start all weekdays from 10.00-10.30 AM with Morning Song in Musikhuset Esbjerg.

See our other shows


kl. 19.30

The talented trio’s sound is based on virtuoso and burning musical ability across a number of instruments including violin, accordion, piano and cittern.


kl. 15.00

In this daring hybrid between stand-up comedy and opera Lisbeth Kjærulf, soprano, Lars Møller, baritone and pianist Peter Møllerhøj will take a close but humorous look at some of the most offensive and controversial issues found in opera.


- 30.08.25

”Tag til Esbjerg og hør verden begynde!” skrev en begejstret anmelder efter premieren på Esbjerg-Ringens første del i 2017. Nu følger vi op og siger: ”Tag til Esbjerg og se verden gå under”, når vi i august 2025 lader tæppet gå for RAGNAROK!

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