Music theater in Esbjerg





Musikhuset Esbjerg, Koncertsalen Friday 25th August 20.30

The Concert is a part of the Summerfestival2023

Buy partoutpass for the entire festival

150 kr.

Silje Onstad Hålien
Selma French Bolstad
Anita Vika Langødegård
Brigitte Blomlie
Silje Risdal Liahagen
Solveig Haardnes
Solveig Wang

Choreography: Silje Onstad Hålien
Music: Selma French Bolstad
Dramaturgy: Susanne Marko
Costumes: Signe Vasshus
Lights: Daniel Kolstad Gimle
Livmødre is created by Dansekompagniet Mamelukk
Producer: Rannveig Øygardslia


50 minutes

Here is a rare opportunity to experience five fantastic female dancers and two outstanding musicians perform a modern interpretation of the mysteries of the female body and its rites of passage.

With Mamelukk – a Norwegian company of contemporary dancers.

The performance is a part of Den Ny Opera’s Summerfestival 2023. Buy a festivalpass and grant access to all the events of the festival.

The fact that they use a traditional male dance from Norway, a so-called Halling, makes this an intriguing experience for everyone.

The female body constantly changes in cycles from month to month and with age. She faces both pain and liberation in the rites of passage from childhood through adulthood and to old age. Pregnancy and motherhood both marks the body for life and makes it incredibly strong.

Together with the musicians the contemporary dancers will deliver a modern, humorous, and powerful interpretation of the mysteries of the female body.

See our other shows



Start the day with a song. As part of the Summerfestival 2023, you can start all weekdays from 10.00-10.30 AM with Morning Song in Musikhuset Esbjerg.



In an amusing combination of storytelling and singing the air will be filled with the sighs of sweet sopranos, the tireless courting of tenors and the blustering of self-absorbed baritones.


kl. 15.00

In this daring hybrid between stand-up comedy and opera Lisbeth Kjærulf, soprano, Lars Møller, baritone and pianist Peter Møllerhøj will take a close but humorous look at some of the most offensive and controversial issues found in opera.

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