Saturday 19th August
19.30 Dido & Æneas – opera by Henry Purcell
Musikhuset, Concert Hall
Sunday 20th August
19.30 Dido & Æneas – opera by Henry Purcell
Musikhuset, Concert Hall
Monday 21st August
10.00 Morning Song at Musikhuset, Esbjerg
19.30 Dido & Æneas – opera by Henry Purcell
Musikhuset, Concert Hall
Tuesday 22nd August
10.00 Morgensang at Musikhuset
19.30 Den Danske Strygekvartet at Nordby Kirke
Together with Esbjerg Internationale Kammermusikfestival (EICMF)
Wednesday 23rd August
10.00 Morning Song at Musikhuset
16.00 Efterklange af Dido 1
– more music by Henry Purcell
Concert at Trinity Church, Esbjerg
19.30 Dreamer’s Circus
Musikhuset, Concert Hall
Thursday 24th August
10.00 Morning Song at Musikhuset
16.00 Efterklange af Dido 2
– Concert at Trinity Church, Esbjerg
19.30 Bella Notte – italien food & song
Musikhuset, Main Foyer
Friday 25th August
10.00 Morning Song at Musikhuset
15.00 Stand Up’era
– Opera meet Stand Up
Musikhuset, Theatre Hall.
20.30 Livmødre – Norwegian dance performance
Musikhuset, Concert Hall
Saturday 26th August
9.30 og 11.00 The Magic flute for the little ones
Musikhuset, Meeting Room
13.00 Sild, Snaps & Skønsang
– traditional danish lunch with intertainment
Musikhuset, Main Foyer
19.30 The Alehouse Sessions
– barok/folk jam session
Musikhuset, Concert Hall
Buy your tickets or Festival Pass here:
You can buy tickets for single events or a very favorable Festival Pass that grants you access to all the events of the festival.
The Festival Pass* costs DKK 1050 including food when served.
* Please make sure to choose which performance of Dido and Aeneas you want to attend (19th, 20th or 21st of August). The Festival Pass does not give you access to The Magic Flute. Tickets to this performance should be bought separately.
Summer Festival 2023
While the late-summer sun glitters in the waves of the Northern Sea Den Ny Opera will unfold its Summer festival 2023. A bustling, varied and exciting programme with handpicked international artists will provide a week of music, opera and dance. This year’s festival is hosted by director of Den Ny Opera, Lars Ole Mathiasen and curated by the violinist and ensemble leader Bjarte Eike.
The main event of this year´s festival will be Den Ny Opera’s very own take of one of the opera world’s super hits: Dido and Aeneas by Henry Purcell. The opera’s main story evolves around the fateful encounter between Queen Dido and the hero Aeneas. They are both mighty and powerful, but as humans they are also vulnerable and therefore easy targets for the will of the gods. And even though the highlight of the opera undoubtedly is the divine aria “Dido’s lament”, there is much more to come for. Don’t miss the British award-winning shooting star Mary Bevan as Dido, brilliant singers and Bjarte Eike’s fabulous Barokksolistene – all on stage collectively securing the drama, humour and beauty of the play.
After the three shows of Dido and Aeneas, a week of kaleidoscopic musical entertainment follows. In their bold and light-hearted Stand up’era the soprano Lisbeth Kjærulf and the baritone Lars Møller will give #metoo and other controversial topics of the day an operatic treatment. Gender issues also play a role in the captivating contemporary dance performance Livmødre or Mothers of Nature. The inventive choreographer and dancer Silje Onstad Hålien and her company Mamelukk turn a traditional Norwegian male dance – a Halling – into a modern story about the female body.
We are incredibly proud to present two of Denmark’s most prominent and successful ensembles: The Danish String Quartet who is renowned for impeccable musicianship, sophisticated artistry, and an unmatched ability to play as one, and the folk trio Dreamers’ Cirkus whose music is decidedly modern as well as rhythmically and melodically captivating.
Come join our musical dinner when we transform the Music Hall into an Italian taverna in Bella Notte. And don’t miss our famous lunch event filled with Nordic drinking songs, Sild snaps og skønsang / Fish, shots and singalongs. Every morning at 10 there will even be a free chance to sing along with us in the Music Hall.
Children aged 3-6 are invited to join Prince Tamino on his adventurous quest to find Princess Pamina in our interactive performance of The Magic Flute. The Trinity Church in Esbjerg will host two concerts dedicated to Henry Purcell featuring young and upcoming Danish singers in the programs Echoing Purcell no. 1 and 2.
With Bjarte Eike in the house we can’t miss the opportunity to present a version full of surprises of his addictive The Alehouse Sessions which will wrap up this year’s festival with British and Scandinavian folk-baroque hits. Cheers!