Music theater in Esbjerg

Ticket or Festival Pass

19.08 —


Festival pass opera sommer

Buy a Ticket or Festival Pass for the Summer Festival 2023

Buy your tickets or Festival Pass here:

You can buy tickets for single events or a very favorable Festival Pass that grants you access to all the events of the festival.

The Festival Pass* costs DKK 1050 including food when served.

* Please make sure to choose which performance of Dido and Aeneas you want to attend (19th, 20th or 21st of August). The Festival Pass does not give you access to The Magic Flute. Tickets to this performance should be bought separately.

See our other shows


Kl. 16.00

Pianisten Ulrich stærk spiller Mozart og Beethoven

19.08.23 —


Bjarte Eike is with his orchestra Barokksolisterne back in Esbjerg.

18.01 —


Sammen med Figaros sender Den Ny Opera igen en universel klassiker i usædvanlig fri fortolkning afsted på Danmarksturné!

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